Mulching Instructions


A newly planted tree’s best friend is mulch. It is very important to remember to mulch your tree after you have planted it. –

Mulch is valuable to the health of your tree because:

  • It insulates the soil creating a buffer from hot and cold temperatures. 

  • It keeps the roots moist and cool by retaining water. 

  • Prevents weed growth for less root competition. 

  • Reduces damage from lawn mowers.

Steps for mulching your tree:

  1. Remove any grass within a 3 to 7 foot radius of your tree depending on its size. 

  2. Apply a natural mulch such as wood chips or bark pieces 2 to 4 inches deep in a doughnut shape on cleared circle space around the trunk.

  3. Keep the mulch from touching the trunk of the tree to allow the bark to breathe.

Mulching Image

Mulching Image